A detailed recipe for shredded potato pancakes, a crunchy and flavorful classic not to be missed!

A detailed recipe for shredded potato pancakes, a crunchy and flavorful classic not to be missed!


A detailed recipe for shredded potato pancakes, a crunchy and flavorful classic not to be missed!



图文 |我叫一尾鱼


A detailed recipe for shredded potato pancakes, a crunchy and flavorful classic not to be missed!

1. 准备食材。

A detailed recipe for shredded potato pancakes, a crunchy and flavorful classic not to be missed!

2. 葱洗争切成小段备用。

A detailed recipe for shredded potato pancakes, a crunchy and flavorful classic not to be missed!

3. 土豆去皮清洗干净。

A detailed recipe for shredded potato pancakes, a crunchy and flavorful classic not to be missed!

4. 土豆用擦丝器擦成丝。

A detailed recipe for shredded potato pancakes, a crunchy and flavorful classic not to be missed!

5. 盆中放入葱段、二克盐和少许胡椒粉。

A detailed recipe for shredded potato pancakes, a crunchy and flavorful classic not to be missed!

6. 用筷子搅拌均匀备用,土豆丝饼不用另外加淀粉,因为土豆本身淀粉含量比较高。

A detailed recipe for shredded potato pancakes, a crunchy and flavorful classic not to be missed!

7. 平底锅加热,涮上少许食用油。

A detailed recipe for shredded potato pancakes, a crunchy and flavorful classic not to be missed!

8. 将土豆丝放入锅中,整成圆形,中火煎至表皮焦脆。

A detailed recipe for shredded potato pancakes, a crunchy and flavorful classic not to be missed!

9. 用铲子反个面,继续中火煎至表面焦脆即可。

A detailed recipe for shredded potato pancakes, a crunchy and flavorful classic not to be missed!

10. 美味的早餐土豆丝饼就做好了。

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~~ By 我叫一尾鱼 ~~

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~~ 菜谱推荐 ~~



小米 / 丝瓜 / 皮皮虾 / 鸭血 / 鸡翅 / 土豆

五花肉 / 饺子 / 泡菜 / 奶茶 / 茭白 / 鲫鱼

粉蒸肉 / 芒果甜品 / 下饭菜 / 养颜汤 / 啤酒鸭

A detailed recipe for shredded potato pancakes, a crunchy and flavorful classic not to be missed!



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