We share the recipe for roast pork with dried bamboo shoots, so you can taste the authentic Chinese flavor at home!


We share the recipe for roast pork with dried bamboo shoots, so you can taste the authentic Chinese flavor at home!




We share the recipe for roast pork with dried bamboo shoots, so you can taste the authentic Chinese flavor at home!




1. 笋干用清水冲洗干净,然后放入淘米水或者清水浸泡2天2夜;

We share the recipe for roast pork with dried bamboo shoots, so you can taste the authentic Chinese flavor at home!

2. 笋干泡好后,用刷子刷洗干净,然后切成笋片,锅内加入冷水,放入笋片,大火烧开,转小火煮20分钟;

We share the recipe for roast pork with dried bamboo shoots, so you can taste the authentic Chinese flavor at home!

3. 猪肉已经让师傅给切成块,回家用清水浸泡一会儿,中间换水几次,然后上锅焯水,撇干净浮沫,捞出用温水洗干净备用;

We share the recipe for roast pork with dried bamboo shoots, so you can taste the authentic Chinese flavor at home!

4. 炒锅上火,加入适量植物油,倒入焯水后的猪肉块,中火煸炒一会儿,直到肉块煸炒出油,然后加入1块冰糖,少许黄酒,继续煸炒上色;

We share the recipe for roast pork with dried bamboo shoots, so you can taste the authentic Chinese flavor at home!

5. 肉块炒至有点焦黄时,倒入葱段、姜片继续煸炒,炒出香味后倒入1勺老抽、半勺生抽,翻炒均匀;

We share the recipe for roast pork with dried bamboo shoots, so you can taste the authentic Chinese flavor at home!

6. 倒入煮好的笋干片,把煮笋干的水也一起倒进去,大火烧开,转小火炖2小时左右;

We share the recipe for roast pork with dried bamboo shoots, so you can taste the authentic Chinese flavor at home!

7. 2小时后,肉块酥烂,笋干软嫩,大火收一下汁,放入一个小米辣,关火出锅。

We share the recipe for roast pork with dried bamboo shoots, so you can taste the authentic Chinese flavor at home!


We share the recipe for roast pork with dried bamboo shoots, so you can taste the authentic Chinese flavor at home!


1. 笋干要提前用淘米水浸泡48小时以上,这样煮的时候更容易成熟,口感更加软嫩;

2. 做笋干烧肉,选择的猪肉一定要肥一点,因为笋干非常喜油,太瘦的肉做出来不香;

3. 这道菜基本的调味料就是冰糖、黄酒和老抽,其他的香料尽量不要放,这样才能更好地体现出笋干的鲜味。

We share the recipe for roast pork with dried bamboo shoots, so you can taste the authentic Chinese flavor at home!

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