Today, on June 1 Children's Day, let's make a dish for your kids: Smoothie Sundae, sweet and sour, you'll love it!

Today is June 1 Children's Day, to share with you a sweet dish that children love to eat: smoothie sage fruit, sweet and sour taste, and white and red, crystal clear, especially beautiful, so that people look like eating, children will love to eat, like friends hurry up to try it!

Smoothie sundae making video, click on the link to watch!

Today, on June 1 Children's Day, let's make a dish for your kids: Smoothie Sundae, sweet and sour, you'll love it!

[Ingredients used in Smoothie Sundae]

Virgin fruit, sugar, this is hanging sugar with liquid, sugar is dipped in powdered sugar with fine sugar, fine sugar to achieve a crystal clear effect

Today, on June 1 Children's Day, let's make a dish for your kids: Smoothie Sundae, sweet and sour, you'll love it!

[How to Make Smoothie Sundried Fruit]

1, add water to the pot, into the sugar, stirring constantly with a spoon, to accelerate the melting of sugar, sugar melting, carefully observe the side of the pot, if the side of the pot appeared to smoke, remember to adjust the fire a little smaller.

Today, on June 1 Children's Day, let's make a dish for your kids: Smoothie Sundae, sweet and sour, you'll love it!

2, the side of the pot of sugar will be scorched, affecting the color of the finished product, so that has been simmering sugar liquid water completely evaporated, this time to carefully observe the sugar liquid in the pot, there is water when the bubble is relatively large, water evaporation of sugar liquid after the bubble is relatively small.

Today, on June 1 Children's Day, let's make a dish for your kids: Smoothie Sundae, sweet and sour, you'll love it!

3, the color of the sugar mixture is slightly yellow, this time the fire off, stirred with a spoon, so that the sugar mixture slightly cooled down, the role of cooling is to prevent the high temperature to the Virgin fruit hot off the skin, and then down into the Virgin fruit quickly turn well, poured into the dish.

Today, on June 1 Children's Day, let's make a dish for your kids: Smoothie Sundae, sweet and sour, you'll love it!

4,Then the remaining sugar poured on top of the Virgin fruit, with the hands of the sticky Virgin fruit to separate, while hot, rolling down the Virgin fruit, so that the Virgin fruit sticky sugar, sticky sugar, put into the refrigerator after chilling and then eat the effect is better , icy crisp and sweet, the face value of the explosion.

Today, on June 1 Children's Day, let's make a dish for your kids: Smoothie Sundae, sweet and sour, you'll love it!

The main thing is to make smoothies Virgin fruit is not easy to grasp when frying sugar, frying sugar, if it comes to the time of pulling the silk, Virgin fruit will be stuck together, the sugar liquid is not uniform, frying sugar firepower is small, frying out of the turn sand, the turn sand and then frying after the pulling of the silk stage, so it still fails.

The most correct way is: after the water has evaporated and the bubbles in the sugar mixture have become smaller, turn off the heat, lower the temperature a little, and pour in the sundried fruit and quickly turn it over.

Today, on June 1 Children's Day, let's make a dish for your kids: Smoothie Sundae, sweet and sour, you'll love it!

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