Teriyaki sauce
Why is it called teriyaki sauce? Is it right to make the dish according to the recipe? When I first encountered teriyaki sauce, I thought it was amazing. In fact, it's a Japanese specialty that has a strong light, as bright as the sun shining on it. That's why teriyaki sauce came to be...
Shrimp recipe for the whole family
一、油焖大虾 食材: 1斤虾、葱花、蒜末、姜末 做法: 1、虾去掉虾线虾枪清洗干净,葱姜蒜切沫,1葱切段 2、调酱汁:2勺生抽–1勺老抽-1勺蚝油-1料酒+半勺香醋+半…
mochi fish
Patty Fish Detailed Proportioning Practice Main Ingredients: Grass Carp 1500g, Marinade: 35g of high white wine, 30g of soy sauce, 25g of green onion, 25g of ginger, 6g of peppercorns, 3g of salt, 3g of dried chili pepper knots, 1g of white pepper powder. Ingredients: 30g of soy sauce, 30g of bean paste...
stir-fried pork with fragrant dried meat in the back
Stir-fried dried meat back to the pot delicious and rice, Sichuan cuisine in the more distinctive dishes, go to the restaurant must order dishes, rice and wine, share this food today, will not do can learn together, people to food for days, in addition to the work of the raw, but also have to treat their own stomachs and the family's stomach, ...
How to Make Korean Kimchi Soup
This kimchi soup is so easy to make, it takes 20 minutes to make, and it's so addictive! If you play the game [say food guess the name of the place], I think that when you say "kimchi", the first thing your friends will say is South Korea. From watching Korean dramas, the most impressive Korean TV series is kimchi, often ...
天气真好,周末煮个鱼吃吃。 ·老朋友豆腐清洗干净。 ·备料:火锅底料一块儿,炒香小料,加水,加芡粉给码上。 ·煮开了下鱼片,咕嘟咕嘟,老香了。 大功告成。
四月不减肥,五月徒伤悲。我们总在吃与不吃之间徘徊,又想美美的穿,又想美美的吃。。。那么总有一款面包让你放弃所有执着。面包小卷,可以放开吃的小卷包 By 大兔子小尾巴 用料 高筋面粉…
小时候就很喜欢吃花生牛轧糖,喜欢一颗放在嘴里,然后慢慢的嚼、细细的品,那浓浓的奶香味和花生味,久久不能忘怀! 那时候年龄小,轧字还不认识,总是说花生牛糖,一看到那包着蓝白色格子样的…
没了烟火气,人生就是一段孤独的旅程。今天给大家分享10种家常小吃的做法,大人孩子都喜欢,满满的都是幸福感,快快收藏吧! 红糖糍粑 所需材料:糯米粉150克,开水120克,红糖40克…