Sauteed Shredded Pork with Celery
Celery fried shredded pork, the most homemade food, the focus is on the family love to eat, they like to eat, I like to do By 茤芈寶貝 【豆果美食官方认证达人】 Ingredients Lean meat 300g celery 1 handful of green onions moderate amount of ginger moderate amount of wine 1 tablespoon of soy sauce soy sauce 1 ...
chicken feet soup
Hello, everyone! I am the tip of the tongue to taste food, "tasted all the flavors of the world, every kind of stomach", every day hand to do food for the family, enjoy the healthy and delicious food, today I share with you a "chestnut and peanut chicken feet soup", like this dish friends welcome to pay attention to me. Introduction...
Vegetarian recipes
Hello everyone, I'm Tomato Kitchen, welcome to my food world! My mom always says that you have to eat vegetables with meat, otherwise the nutrition is not balanced, so I have shared the meat recipe with you before, so go ahead and have some vegetable recipes today as well! Light and detoxifying greens for New Year's...
How to Make Braised Grass Carp
Originally out of the party, my peach blossom girl is too good at cooking, envious of me can not, not only fast action, and do out of the flavor is super good, must record, share with everyone! By Kathy69 Ingredients Strawfish One piece of ginger Moderate amount of green onion Less than half a cooking wine ...
大家好,我是阿恒,干货全拿走,开店不发愁!今天和大家分享一个商业版草帽饼的做法,它的特点就是外酥里软,层次分别明,口感酥脆鲜香! 原料: 中筋面粉500克 食用盐6克 开水200克…
大家好,这里是【刘一手美食】,关注老刘,每天分享一道好吃又实用的家常菜 1、素鸡是一种传统豆制食品 ,广泛分布中国中部和南方。以素仿荤,口感与味道与原肉难以分辨,风味独特。 2、 …
Stew recipes
This 9️⃣ delicious stew, vegetables + meat synthesized delicious, every bite is nutritious, the main thing is that the practice is also relatively simple, boiled, stewed, the ingredients are common, every mom and dad can get started, the child can drink all year round! Baby moms hurry to learn it 1️⃣ Lotus...
土豆和豆角是比较常见的蔬菜,它们两者的搭配也是我最喜欢的菜品之一。土豆软绵中带有甜味,豆角的清香配合着入味的咸香,简直让人胃口大开。 豆角炖土豆这道菜虽然很普通,不过吃过这道菜的人…
红焖大虾是一道色香味俱全的美食,用大虾和番茄等食材炒制而成,鲜酸肉嫩又解馋,3步即成,老少皆宜的美食!下面就教大家家人爱吃的红焖大虾的做法 红焖大虾的食材挑选: 大虾:选择新鲜的大…