导报君语 有芋头的地方,就能看到——扣肉 作为时令食材,芋头在南方的风味菜肴中表现出众,尤其是以广东乐昌芋头、广西荔浦芋头制作而成的菜式,许多都是两广一带的人们所引以为傲的名肴。 …
#家庭美食大赏# 提起新疆,眼前就浮现出辽阔的草原,洁白的羊群,零星蒙古包中袅袅的炊烟升起,飘来一阵阵羊肉和奶茶的香气。 远嫁千里之外,想家的时候,唯有美食能纾解我对家乡的思念。羊…
How to Make Stir-Fried Soy Beans
炒毛豆这样做最好吃,鲜香开胃,不信可以试一试,很过瘾! 毛豆是一种非常营养的食材,在毛豆中富含了丰富的蛋白质以及维生素,毛豆在夏季多吃一些的话,是有很多好处的,尤其是夏季的毛豆口感…
Homemade recipe for fried chicken thighs
嗨,大家好,我是蓉儿!今儿咱们来炸鸡腿,做法简单,不用面包糠和裹粉,吃起来照样外皮酥脆,肉质嫩滑入味。外皮金黄且酥脆,内里嫩滑又多汁,看着就食欲满满。 鸡肉是最为适合油炸的肉类,炸…
Pancake recipe book
说到猪肘子,相信不少的朋友都会垂涎四尺,当然了也要看烹饪方式的,肘子是猪的腿肉,分为前肘, 也称前蹄髈,其皮厚、筋多、胶质重、瘦肉多,常带皮烹制,肥而不腻。宜烧、扒、酱、焖、卤…
没了烟火气,人生就是一段孤独的旅程。今天给大家分享10种家常饭团的做法,简单易做营养丰富,大人孩子都爱吃,快快收藏吧! 日式芝士饭团 食材:米饭(冷米饭为宜哦)、火腿肠半根、胡萝卜…
vermicelli hotpot
Vermicelli, whether it is mixed with cold dishes or shabu-shabu hot pot or make steamed vegetables, like to put a handful, never get tired of eating. Vermicelli is dry and can be kept for a long time, so it is also an ingredient that is always on hand at home. We share with you 4 ways to make vermicelli suitable for winter, hot and warm, every time you eat...
How to make lasagna
sesame biscuit
Hello, I'm Rong'er, today we do the family version of the [sesame seed burrito], without the oven is still crispy delicious Oh Sesame is rich in vitamin E, antioxidant effect, can protect the normal function of the cells, locking the water; sesame belongs to the dietary fiber-rich nuts ...