Nutritious breakfast recipes for pregnant women
Pregnancy in October is a journey of both hard work and happiness for mothers-to-be. From the early trouble of pregnancy sickness, to the middle and late pregnancy may be for the healthy development of the fetus baby "appetite". As the saying goes, "Eat a good breakfast, eat a full lunch, and eat less for dinner". It can be seen that breakfast is very important...
现代生活节奏快,渐渐的我们下厨时也少了看火等待的耐心,于是各种智能厨房家电开始找到了它们的一席之地。 电炖锅作为妈妈厨房的标配想必家家都有,会更换也是因为产品老旧、功能不足,不过小…
Delicious Beef and Vegetable Soup
家庭版牛肉萝卜汤 简介: 家庭版牛肉萝卜汤是一道经典的家常汤品,以其鲜香适口、肉嫩汤鲜的特点深受大家喜爱。牛肉富含蛋白质,搭配萝卜的清甜,不仅味道鲜美,还有助于营养的吸收。 所需食…
A Complete Guide to Cooking with Sprite
Sprite, as a lemon flavored carbonated beverage, must have many fans. Sprite's colleague Coke has a carbonated beverage identity is also one of the kitchen's common seasoning, Coke chicken wings can be said to be every kitchen novice's must-do dishes, simple and easy to operate at the same time is also very easy to succeed, not...
How to Make Korean Oxtail Soup
牛 尾 汤 的 正 确 做 法 ——献给正在与癌症抗争的患者及我的朋友们 刘 禹 润 对于做过癌症手术的人而言,手术后都需要进行必要的化疗。每次化疗后,我马上会做一次牛尾汤,这是为…
除了应季蔬菜,逛菜市场最爱买的就是茄子,一年四季都有,而且百搭又好做,一蒸一拌都下饭。夏天正是它的丰收时期,安排一道『茄子烧土豆』吃吃吧。 By 老板娘微食记 用料 茄子 1个大土…
本期导读:6种素馅包子馅配方和做法,清淡素净,营养健康,比肉馅的还好吃 包子是北方人喜欢吃的面食之一,当早餐或者晚餐都不错,受到了大家的喜爱。不仅肉馅包子好吃,素菜包子同样十分美味…
How to Make Irish Coffee
Irish Coffee is a classic cocktail known for its unique taste and rich flavor. Ingredients needed are: - 15 ml Irish whiskey - 1 cup of hot coffee (about 150 ml) - 1...