大家好,有粉丝留言 不知道怎么切肉,无从下刀,分不清纹路,今天我们就做一个简单实用教程分享给大家。 切肉教程视频,点击链接观看 新疆孜然粉,免费磨粉 ¥14.00 购买 我们准备的…
The head chef teaches you: 10 minutes to make a homemade stir-fry, fresh and delicious, do it to the family to taste it
Hello, I'm a chef show Peng kitchen, today we do this dish is a home-cooked stir-fry - celery stir-fry dried, this dish is simple and nutritious, very suitable for home production, and especially suitable for the working class, time-saving and simple, like the friends have time to try it. The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have the right ingredients and that you have the right ingredients.
Teach you to make sweet corn flapjacks, the process is super detailed, guaranteed that you can learn at once!
Hello everyone , I'm a chef show peng kitchen, today we make sweet corn brand, this dish outside the skin crispy, sweet and delicious, and easy to make, children especially like, with this method can also do pumpkin brand, potato brand, etc.. Click on the link to watch the video of making corn flapjacks Ingredients Jar...
Blueberry yam is so delicious and nourishing, it is suitable for both young and old.
今天教大家做一道简单的凉菜-蓝莓山药,既美味又养生,同时又老少皆宜的凉菜,说是凉菜更像甜点,吃起来酸甜可口。 蓝莓山药制作视频 ,点击链接观看 蓝莓的果胶含量很高,能有效降低胆固醇…
大家好 ,我是厨师秀鹏厨,今天我们做一道黄焖鸡,黄焖鸡是一道特别受欢迎的菜肴,搭配米饭食用,深受食客喜爱,味道美妙,具有肉质鲜美嫩滑的特点,今天我们制作的黄焖鸡做了一些改进,更适合…
大家好,我是厨师秀鹏厨,今天给大家分享一道快手小炒素菜——蒜蓉炒丝瓜,丝瓜有润肌美容等功效,平时我们炒丝瓜有时候会发黑,今天就教大家炒丝瓜不变色的小窍门,大家有时间不妨试试。 蒜蓉…
大家好,我是厨师秀鹏厨,春节越来越近,鹏厨今天教大家在家怎能卤牛肉,这个方法非常简单,原汁原味,喜欢吃牛肉的朋友可以试试。 卤牛肉制作视频,点击链接观看 主料:牛肉5斤 调料: 盐…
大家好,我是厨师秀鹏厨,今天我们做一道生汆丸子,生汆丸子是一道味道鲜美,营养丰富的美味佳肴,而且制作简单,丸子色白软嫩、清淡爽口不腻。 生汆丸子制作视频,点击链接观看 原料: 后腿…
猪排骨味道鲜美,也不会太过油腻,所以很多菜系都有关于排骨的菜肴,平时我们一般都会清炖、红烧、糖醋等,今天分享的是一道:风味排骨,这道菜香辣干香,别有一番滋味。 【风味排骨所用的原料…