An essential fall soup, light and tasty, with Q-tips for the balls, a kid's favorite!
Fried bacon many people less this step, master this point, into the dish savory rice, soft and not firewood
Today we are going to make this dish is: wire pepper fried bacon, we all know that bacon is particularly salty, so it should be processed in advance. The bacon is salty and mellow, and with a piece of fried wire pepper, it is salty and appetizing. [Line pepper fried bacon ...
Tea Tree Mushroom is delicious and will not do? Chef to teach you, learn this method, no longer need to buy to eat it
今天我们制作家庭版的干锅茶树菇 原料: 鲜茶树菇、土芹段、线椒和小米辣、葱姜蒜 、洋葱丝 用剪刀把茶树菇的根部减掉,把去过根的茶树菇用清水洗净,然后把粗的茶树菇用手撕开 清洗后再撕…
How do you make noodles that are al dente and not easy to break? The original method of mixing the noodles is not right, a look at the understanding
Today to share with you is not a dish, is a bowl of home-cooked noodles: shredded pork chili noodles, today this shredded pork chili noodles with relatively simple ingredients, green onions and ginger, pork, small bok choy, the ingredients are very simple to do that is tasty and convenient easy to operate, like to eat pasta friends can try. The production over ...
大家好,我是厨师秀-鹏厨,今天我们做一道甜菜—松仁玉米,这道菜0基础一样能做的完美,大家在春节不妨试试,大人小孩都喜欢吃,而且营养又健康。 松仁玉米制作视频,点击链接观看 原料: …
The head chef teaches you how to make shiitake mushrooms in this way, dry and tangy, fresh and spicy appetizing, more delicious than the restaurant to do
Hello, I'm Chef Xiu Peng cook, today do a green pepper fried mushrooms, we usually make fresh mushrooms dishes, are first cooked and then fried, today we improve the previous practice, the mushrooms after high oil temperature frying, the finished product is dry, fragrant and sinewy, and with the green pepper stir-fried, fresh and spicy...
The chef taught you to do: tea tree mushroom stewed chicken, soup fresh flavor, the whole family grabbed eat, even the soup is not left!
Tea tree mushrooms are an ingredient with high medicinal value, delicious flavor and strong smell, today we use tea tree mushrooms to make a delicious dish: tea tree mushrooms stewed chicken, soup fresh and delicious, like friends can try. The ingredients used in the stewed chicken with tea tree mushrooms are: a chicken, tea tree mushrooms ...
原料: 炸八块鸡琵琶腿8个、鸡蛋一个、葱姜、花椒、八角 制作方法: 1 首先把鸡腿从鸡腿中间用刀划开,用刀把骨头上面的肉刮开,在关节处切一刀,用手把鸡骨和肉分开,然后把关节去掉,再…
大家好,我是厨师秀鹏厨,今天我们制作卤鸡胗,在购买鸡胗的时候要选择新鲜的鸡胗,这样腥味更好去处,也更营养卫生,学会这个方法,以后再也不用买来吃了 。 卤鸡胗的制作视频,点击链接观看…